Monday 10 March 2014

Pulau Semakau - Singapore's landfill island- with naturetrekker

If I could I would love to visit this place once again at my own time and at my own pace to just soak in the beauty of this landfill island. I know what you're thinking. You think I must be siao right? Like why would any one want to be on this smelly island!?  But guess what?  You're wrong! This island does not stink and in fact, it has the clearest waters I've seen in Singapore!!!  I'm not kidding you. Wait till you see my pics ah !
Grey Heron. Ah there, the water very blue, right?

Red Dragonfly

I booked this trip with along with a friend.There were only about 12 of us. Ben, the founder, came along. He was indeed a very knowledgeable guide. He can identify the species of birds and he can tell a heron from an egret, all thanks to his passion for wildlife and photography. It seems to me that he loves nature so much that he painted his car green! 

The trip went like this.  You can click on the link for the details.

Basically,  half of the trip was spent indoors, meaning that we had 2 separate presentations- one about the wildlife, conducted by Ben, and the other about the island, which was conducted at the end of the trip by Mr Singh. The other half was spent outdoors and more 'hands-on', thus we had a site visit where we explored the island on a tour bus.We brought home some pictures and breathed in the clean fresh air of the island , fresher than mainland Singapore's air, I'd say, since there is no traffic nor factories here.

Here's how the trip went in more detail:

After we got on the boat at Pasir Panjang Terminal Jetty, we went straight to the Main Building on the island for presentation #1. Ben introduced himself and a gave a history of the organisation he founded.  He also showed us his pictures of the flora and fauna he took when he was on the island previously. From there we were taught how to tell a heron from an egret, a pipit from a sandpiper.

Next we went for the site visit. That's where we saw the birds and insects. There were plenty of species that I've never seen in Singapore. This is why I chose to come- to see something new and different. I see mynah and pigeons everyday until sian. lol. When you enter the forest, do be prepared to get bitten. There were swarms of mosquitoes all around us when we entered the forest. I felt like screaming when they started to attack us but everyone else was quiet and calm. Later , they think I'm a  siao char bo! hahaha. So I just have to keep killing the mozzies lor. Everyone kept going piak, piak, piak. Except for this smarty pants who wore  long sleeved windbreaker and pants, as well as shoes, which seemed to have helped. We were brought to the Transfer Building. This is where incinerated trash shipped  from Tuas is transferred to trucks which would carry and dump them into the cells. The smell in the Transfer Building not bad. Actually, if I could describe it, I think it smells like roasted cardboards. LOL

Subsequently, we headed back to the lecture room for the Presentation #2 about the island. And that's where the funny man,  Mr Singh of A +B edu tours, came in. I like his style of presenting actually. It was thought-provoking and insightful, with dashes of humor.

We headed back to mainland Singapore at about 2 in the afternoon, in time for a late lunch at Vivo.

Okay, anyway, access to this island is restricted at the moment. It's not like going to Pulau Ubin where you can simply go to the jetty, take boat and the uncle will take you there. No. You have to obtain permission  before entering this island and so far, naturetrekker has been able to get this pass for the past few years.

If you're keen to go, the sad news is that Pulau Semakau will be closed off to the public for the next few months. :( We were the last batch to go there in Feb. So, you just have to wait, lah. In the meantime you can shop around for a good DSLR  and lens like a micro or a 600mm( if you're damn rich) or a good pair of binoculars then you can catch good pics/views when you're there hehe :)

This is what I copied off naturetrekker's page, in case you can't open the link.
Join us and be the first to visit world's first offshore landfill island and also one of Singapore's southern most island (situated near Raffle's Light House and Indonesia water).

Pulau Semakau was officially declare opened to nature-related organisations (including Nature Trekker) in 2005 by the Singapore's Authority (NEA) and individuals or public are not allowed entry into the island except by permit.

Entry to the island is highly restricted and this tour is made possible due to the collaboration between Nature Trekker and NEA (National Environment Agency), Government Statutory Board where Nature Trekker was issue permit to enter the island for conducting activity on nature exploration (flora & fauna) and educational touring (learning about how landfill was done).

The journey to Pulau Semakau will be on board a specially chartered cruise that will take approximately 45 mins (similar travelling time to Batam island of Indonesia) to reach the island. During both the indoor class lecture and outdoor nature eco-touring, participants go on a guided walk led by an experienced nature guide to share with you the wonder of nature to be found in the island as well as showing you a multi-media presentation cum video show inside a comfortable air-conditoned lecture room on the work of Semakau Landfill & its operatonal work involve.

Besides video show and class room lecture on both the Nature / Wildlife and the Historical facts of Semakau / Landfill Operational Work, all participants will be touring the island via air-conditioned mini buses throughout the whole morning island touring.

Past Survey were conducted on the island and had discovered "significant variety of flora and fauna" that stll flourish on the unique island. The beach there is remarkably clean compared to those on mainland Singapore such as those found in Changi, Sembawang or Kranji.
If you are lucky, you may get to see other rare wildlife such as the "Chinese Egret" ( Globally Threatened & Endangered bird ) or the rare and elusive "Oriental Smooth-Coated Otter" which can be found in Semakau.

Pulau Semakau is also home to Singapore's tallest bird - Great-billed Heron which stand at 115 centimetre tall (equivalent to a 5 years' old boy) out of the total 365 specie of birds found in Singapore. The "Monster" bird is very shy and often fly-off upon seeing human. In mainland Singapore, it can hardly be seen due to over-populated human traffic but in Semakau, it is the best place to see one of these "Monster" bird as Semakau is extremely remote, tranquil and restricted from public access.

Schedule :

Date : 8 February 2014  ( Saturday )

          9 February 2014  ( Sunday )

Meeting Point : To be confirmed later

Time : morning 8.00 am - 2.00 pm

* Our trip is strictly Terrestrial ( learning about the wildlife to be found on the island including sightings of interesting rare birds) as well as
   learning the history of Pulau Semakau, the work behind the landfill operations & processses which make Singapore World's first Landfill Island.

   There is no shore walk or marine wildlife study/ learning to see coral or starfish, etc.  Terrestrial study is not a marine or shore trip activity
* includes  

* All will learn 2 programmes on the trip

- (a) the Wildlife / Fauna to be found in the unique Island of Semakau ( between 9.00 am to 11.30 am)

- (b) the Landfill Operation Work / Waste Management  &  the History of Pulau Semakau ( between 11.30 am to 1.00 pm )

1) Chartered cruise / ferry journey to island  of Pulau Semakau ( time: approximately 45 mins  per journey or 1.5 hours - return trip ).

2) Complimentary group photograph for every participants taken by professional photographer.

3) Air-conditioned Bus / Coach travel on the island of Semakau to provide Sightseeing and Educational Visit.

4) Talk cum Video Presentation conducted by Guide on the wildlife ( particular focus on bird species & general wildlife) to be found in Semakau
    (held in air-conditional lecture room ).

Jungle Trekking thru’ the wild virgin & pristine primeval natural forest of Pulau Semakau ( subject to Singapore Land Authority's approval – no guarantee of accessing
    the jungle when application by SLA is in process ) 

6) Nature guiding led by a guide sharing on the unique wildlife to be found in Pulau Semakau ( eg Birds, Reptile, Amphibian, Mammal, Dragonfly, Butterfly, Spider, Bugs,
    etc ). The expert guide will share with you and look out for some of the rare birds of Singapore eg. Malaysian Plover, Grey Plover, "dark morphed" Pacific Reef Egret,
    "Monster Bird" - Great billed Heron and the "globally-endangered" & very rare Chinese Egret.

7) Talk, Video & Multi-Media Presentation conducted on the History of Semakau, the work of Semakau Landfill Operations ( held in air-conditional lecture room ).
8) Outdoor field guiding on the unique island of Semakau operation as well as the work behind the creation of landfill.
    Participant will get to learn the history of Pulau Semakau, the various restricted nearby Semakau eg. Pulau Pawai, Pulau Senang, Pulau Sudong, Pulau Jong, Pulau
    Sebarok, Pulau Hantu and also the further tip in Singapore shore - The Raffles Lighthouse.
9)  If there is sufficient time available, a sharing of video show on wildlife conservation & protection in Singapore as part of educational sharing with participants ( held in
     air-conditioned lecture room ) will be conducted.

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