Monday 10 March 2014

Bakerzin- This is THE dessert place to be!

Bakerzin is easily one of my favourite dessert chains in Singapore. Consistent quality and good service,  are  the 2 most important determining factors of a good restaurant/café for me. 
Hence, whenever I go there, I can expect to pay about $8 for a quality cake that looks very presentable and photo-worthy.

The one gripe that I have about this place is their 30 cents water charge and the worse part is that we don't know where that water is from!! well, I've been a waitress before and in Singapore, restaurants usually  use chilled tap water.The good news is that tap water in Singapore is very safe and it's drinkable!!! Don't believe me then you see this for yourself, lor hehehe  So well, at least 30 cents for portable water, not that bad right? But of course, we 'd rather have it for free hahaha 


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